Wednesday, January 27, 2010

26th January

Forgive my slackness, the batteries on both cameras hadn't been charged so no pics from the past couple of days.

Nothing screams Australia Day more then a bbq !

22nd January

Barney had his annual shave today, think the pics tell it all !

Thursday, January 21, 2010

21st January

Stationary Collection day !!!!!!! The boys have been counting down the hours until they could pick up their bookpacks from school. We now have them. Just have to get 2 new backpacks and lunchboxes and we are all organised for the coming school year.

20th January

We went to the movies today to see "Old Dogs" with the boys Nanny & Grandpa. The boys really enjoyed it, as did the rest of it. I took a lovely photo of the boys with their Nanny, photo to come .........

19th January

These chore charts have been a huge hit with the boys, wonder how long that will last ? They are really loving looking at them each day and working out what they have to do !

Sunday, January 17, 2010

18th January

Holidays means pancakes for breakfast during the week, at 11.30am mind you LOL !!!

17th January

One of the things the boys love most about the holidays is being able to sleep in the one room. They especially love the mattress on the floor. It is Jakes old cot mattress so it is over 7.5 years old LOL !!! It has had many uses over the years, most being as a trampoline so it can't be very comfortable but the boys love it none the less.